Organismi europei

UEF is a federation of professional foresters organizations from several European countries. She was created in 1965 in Berlin and groups together today 23 associations from 19 countries (Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany,  Ireland, Italy, Leichtenstein, Luxembourg, Moldavia, Poland, Spain, Sweden and  Switzerland). In total she represents some 80.000 foresters of all ranks working for different kind of forest owners (state, community, private). UEF is a federation of professional foresters organizations from several European countries. She was created in 1965 in Berlin and groups together today 23 associations from 19 countries (Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany,  Ireland, Italy, Leichtenstein, Luxembourg, Moldavia, Poland, Spain, Sweden and  Switzerland). In total she represents some 80.000 foresters of all ranks working for different kind of forest owners (state, community, private).


The European Confederation of Agronomists Associations brings together under the one umbrella the representative organisations and associations of agronomists from several European countries. It is the European representative body of national associations of agronomists.


AMIA (Associazione Mondiale degli ingegneri agronomi), costituita da 44 membri tra cui il CONAF.

The World Association of Agronomists, known as AMIA, was founded by representatives from thirty countries on September 8, 1994 in Santiago, Chile, as a result of the First World Congress of Professionals in Agronomy. Its purposes are to unify, coordinate, and represent associations of agronomists throughout the world, promote the practice of such profession, its academic excellence and professional ethics, promote the social and economic development of the rural sector and represent agrarian rights in international forums and before governments –

I membri del nuovo consiglio di AMIA sono come segue:
a. Presidente: Andrea Sisti,  
b. Segretario Generale: Mattia Busti,
c. Primo Vicepresidente: Conrad U. Bernier, ulric.bernier @
d. Presidente uscente: Maria Cruz Diaz Alvarez,Carlos Pieta Filho, Fernando Zuloaga Albarrá, Claudio Ortiz Rojas
e. Vicepresidente de América: Alejandro Bonadeo,
f. Vicepresidente di Europa: Sean Gaule,
g. Vicepresidente di Africa, Asia: Libre
h. Segretari tecnici: Florindo Dalberto, Brasile, (Sud America) aea.ld @, Bernal Méndez Arias, (America del Nord), Héctor Glower y Delgado, glowersun_ @ (presidente de APIA).


UEF is a federation of professional foresters organizations from several European countries. She was created in 1965 in Berlin and groups together today 23 associations from 19 countries (Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany,  Ireland, Italy, Leichtenstein, Luxembourg, Moldavia, Poland, Spain, Sweden and  Switzerland). In total she represents some 80.000 foresters of all ranks working for different kind of forest owners (state, community, private). UEF is a federation of professional foresters organizations from several European countries. She was created in 1965 in Berlin and groups together today 23 associations from 19 countries (Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany,  Ireland, Italy, Leichtenstein, Luxembourg, Moldavia, Poland, Spain, Sweden and  Switzerland). In total she represents some 80.000 foresters of all ranks working for different kind of forest owners (state, community, private).


The European Confederation of Agronomists Associations brings together under the one umbrella the representative organisations and associations of agronomists from several European countries. It is the European representative body of national associations of agronomists.


AMIA (Associazione Mondiale degli ingegneri agronomi), costituita da 44 membri tra cui il CONAF.

The World Association of Agronomists, known as AMIA, was founded by representatives from thirty countries on September 8, 1994 in Santiago, Chile, as a result of the First World Congress of Professionals in Agronomy. Its purposes are to unify, coordinate, and represent associations of agronomists throughout the world, promote the practice of such profession, its academic excellence and professional ethics, promote the social and economic development of the rural sector and represent agrarian rights in international forums and before governments –

I membri del nuovo consiglio di AMIA sono come segue:
a. Presidente: Andrea Sisti,  
b. Segretario Generale: Mattia Busti,
c. Primo Vicepresidente: Conrad U. Bernier, ulric.bernier @
d. Presidente uscente: Maria Cruz Diaz Alvarez,Carlos Pieta Filho, Fernando Zuloaga Albarrá, Claudio Ortiz Rojas
e. Vicepresidente de América: Alejandro Bonadeo,
f. Vicepresidente di Europa: Sean Gaule,
g. Vicepresidente di Africa, Asia: Libre
h. Segretari tecnici: Florindo Dalberto, Brasile, (Sud America) aea.ld @, Bernal Méndez Arias, (America del Nord), Héctor Glower y Delgado, glowersun_ @ (presidente de APIA).